

I am melting slowly like a butter in your hand
My silly dreams 
oozing through your fingers
down down on the ground
like acid rain pouring 
destroying your metal palace
knocking down your flower pots
one by one
The bitter taste of my dreams
stagnant, frozen, stuck
and broken under the heavy weight
of uncertainties




Memories a fragrance stimulates
Tears have but no counterpart

For tears encompass diverse tastes
Of which memories is a head start

Standing in front of God he weeps
Tears fall as she bruises her limb

Tinge in eyes as hope leaps
Welled up on a future grim

Memories a fragrance stimulates
Tears have but no counterpart

Summer resigned


After three years of sunshine,
there finally were dark clouds

pouring rain

no sweat, no headaches

just sweet melody of dripping water
on the open armed leaves

and open mouthed grass
taking in the life

after three years of death
yellow to green

yellow to blue
the anger of sky

is now a cuddle
for everything that is covers

is beautiful
just beautiful


Remember that pianist who said that if he did not practice everyday he would know, if he did not practice two days, the critics would know, after three days, his audiences would know.

-Taken from Zen in the art of writing by Ray Bradbury

Once I read this quote it hit me hard like a brick. I know I have been lagging behind in my resolution of writing everyday. It’s been one of those phases, when you tend to give up and its hard to get back there.

From today, I am going to try to stand back upĀ and I will make sure I don’t step on that banana skin again.